Thursday, February 23, 2017

Alkaline Health Coach With Christine LLC

Hi, my name is Christine and I live in Owasso Oklahoma.  I recently went through a health transformation over the past 2 years. I was sick from severe IBS, High blood pressure, gout, arthritis, and anxiety. Through diet change and gaining knowledge in the "alternative health" industry, I got off all medications and began to heal from the inside out. I have come a long way, and believe whole heartedly in these sayings that I live by; Never give up, pick up where you left off, never beat yourself up, baby step if you have to, and love yourself to health. I am certified in, The Science Of Plant Based Nutrition, Master Gardening, and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. 

If you are struggling with life choices and trying to get back on track with health. If you've tried to get healthy but suffer from many types of illnesses or autoimmune disorders. If you've been diagnosed with cancer and are going through chemo and would like to learn how to keep your immune system up. If you've tried everything and nothing seems to work. If you know what to do, but need some extra guidance. If any of these things pertain to you. 

Call Christine McDonald Personal Health and Wellness Coach. I am here to help make a difference in your life and the others that surround you. Alkaline Health Coach With Christine LLC 918-284-2978
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas Edison
“If acids win - you lose!” ~ Robert Morse, ND
"Permanent results only come from permanent changes in lifestyle and diet style.  You don't get permanently well unless you permanently change the way you live." ~ Joel Fuhrman, MD
"Aging is not simply decay, it's accumulation of choices and consequences." ~ John Leonard
"Nothing tastes as good as feeling well." ~ Tracy McCord 
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~ Anne Wigmore

Click on my page to get free recipes, advice, and stay updated on the truth of health~

If you would like to sign up for a consultation, fill out this form:

Friday, February 10, 2017



pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body running on a scale from 0 - 14 with 7 being neutral. Our bodies are alkaline by design at 7.364 - 7.4. We are programmed to maintain this range no matter what, with even the slightest dip or rise in pH having dangerous consequences. When body fluids become too acidic, we enter a state of acidosis in which illness and disease can manifest.

What causes an imbalance in pH? A diet high in acidic foods like meat, dairy, un-soaked nuts, seeds and grains, alcohol and processed foods. Stress and environmental toxins can also cause your body to become more acidic.

Lack of hydration is a major cause of acidosis. Our body is made up of up to 90% water. Most people die being around 50% water. That’s why it’s important to be hydrated so your body can function properly.

Juicing in particular is very restorative and is an incredible foundation for taking care of your body. You're flooded with concentrated living water which is clean, balanced, STRUCTURED, and is neither too alkaline nor too acidic.

We are made of blood and our blood is only as healthy as what we’re eating, drinking and thinking. When you drink juices your haemoglobin and blood volume starts increasing and red count balances out. Raw living fruits and vegetables are blood cleansing and building foods and when you consume them in a concentrated form, via juicing, you keep the channels of elimination clear and accelerate the healing and rejuvenation process. The body can then build the foundation of embryonic cells (stem cells) to make new blood and build new organs.

When your blood is optimally pH balanced, it carries oxygen more efficiently. Oxygen contributes to a strong metabolism, gives you energy, and keeps you healthy. Blood cells tend to clump together in a more acidic environment. Healthy red blood cells are spaced apart from each other. Consequently, the blood can move freely throughout the body and get into even the smallest capillaries. As a result, you feel like your whole body is in harmony.

Once you understand that an over-acidic body leads to dis-ease you can determine how to reverse the conditions, by not taking medicine, but by empowering yourself with education and gaining back control of your health and your life.

We are electrical beings. When we eat food we absorb light for its electrical potential. Raw living foods, particularly juices, help maintain the alkaline design of the body. When you begin nourishing your cells with alkaline foods your eyes start to sparkle, your skin becomes supple, and you’re going to live a longer and higher quality life.

“The human cell is only as healthy as the water it’s bathed in, and that bath is a bath of alkalinity, and when that fluid is compromised by an over-acidic diet and lifestyle, cells begin to break down prematurely. This is what causes ageing”.
- Dr. Robert Young

When you begin juicing you’re going to begin the process of reversing ageing because you’re putting back the alkalising elements that help maintain the alkaline design of the body that helps to main integrity of the cell which makes up all your tissues and organs.


Begin incorporating juices in to your life. If you’ve never juiced before start by having them 3 times per week and build your way up to having them every day, preferably your first meal of the day. Juice raw fruits and vegetables like apples, oranges, broccoli, celery, cucumber, cabbage, spinach, carrots, beetroot, and pineapples. Leafy greens are amazing as they contain chlorophyll which is structurally similar to our own blood and alkalises the blood.

The consistent act of drinking juices provide your body with alkaline minerals and raise the electrolytes which are essential to maintaining the alkaline design of the body. This keeps you looking and feeling young, energised, vibrant and glowing from the inside out. Picture below by Jonny Juicer, information learned by Dr. Young, Olivia Budgen and other resources.