Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nature and Health Magazine

In this issue (July 2017) learn the basics of Alkaline eating and how to make it a lifestyle.

Owner of the Facebook page Alkaline Meals For Health And Wellness, Christine McDonald, demonstrates day to day meals to help prevent and reverse sickness and disease. Every food on this lifestyle has been proven scientifically to heal and reverse many of the top 10 killers including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.

Saturday, June 10, 2017



For over 5000 years ginger has been revered as a natural medicine by China and India. The ginger plant was first discovered in South East Asia and was used in ancient cuisines.

Ginger is full of beneficial nutrients like magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper and Vitamin B6. It reduces inflammation and pain without the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. Ginger has warming properties which comfort and soothe aching joints. It contains important antioxidants which clear the joints of impurities and allow fresh blood to flow into the aching areas. It also improves flexibility of muscles.

Ginger is rich in volatile oils which stimulate the digestive system to work properly and with ease by regulating gut contractions. It also helps to soothe and settle the gut wall, thereby easing any pain and inflammation and removing excess gas from the digestive tract. It helps neutralise acids and stimulates secretion of digestive juices to improve digestion.

Ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols which help to strengthen the immune system and has powerful antioxidant properties. It helps break down the accumulation of toxins in your organs. It’s also known to cleanse the lymphatic system. By opening up these lymphatic channels and keeping things clean, ginger prevents the accumulation of the toxins that make you susceptible to infections, especially in the respiratory system.

Helping to thin the blood, ginger has similar effects to that of aspirin, but unlike aspirin, has a calming effect on your stomach. Ginger interferes with a long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to reduce the clumping action of platelets that clog and narrow arteries which set off heart attacks.


Digestive discomfort, nausea, colds, flu, motion sickness, vertigo, menstrual cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraines, sore throats, fatigue, constipation, food poisoning, asthma, coughs, shortness of breath, migraines, joints, muscle and nerve pain.


In ancient times, ginger was highly regarded as a spiritual cleanser and was consumed before and during holy days as a way to awaken and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Ginger relates to feelings of empowerment, addressing feelings of powerlessness, patterns of fears of victimisation, and creating an inner fire and strength to step into a leadership role in one's own life.

Ginger also increases brain levels of important neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is considered the “motivation molecule” that helps you get focused and be productive, and serotonin helps you to feel peaceful, balanced and happy.


Try making a litre of ginger water or tea every day by adding freshly grated ginger in water and steep for 10-20 minutes. Add some raw honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to enhance its flavour and add to its protective and healing properties.

Raw, fresh ginger is also excellent when juiced with apples and celery for an energising and immune-boosting drink. Using fresh ginger in any of your cooking will also provide healing benefits and should be added whenever possible.

You can pop a piece of raw ginger in your smoothie for a warming and spicy kick, and you can also use ginger essential oil to rub on any area of pain.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

5 Secrets about white flour that will shock you!

The standard American diet is a diet of chronic disease and death. Our food supply has been killing us slowly.  White flour has been killing you!
In 1910, the Federal District Court of Missouri declared bleached white flour unfit for human consumption. But, unfortunately,  according to H.W. Wiley, first chief of the Food and Drug Administration, the enforcement of this law was “halted through the political influence of the flour millers” and “no notice of violations has since been made by the FDA.” Mr. Wiley’s book “The History of a Crime Against the Pure Food Law” discusses this case. (Reference here)  Nowadays,  flour is made from wheat that is being treated with fungicides, pesticides, and insecticides from seedling to storage. Since then approximately 60 different chemicals have been approved to bleach flour.


Bleached Flour contains nearly NO nutrients.

The manufacturers of white flour first remove the wheat seed’s bran, it’s 6 outer layers, and the germ which contains 76% of the vitamins and minerals. 97% of the dietary fiber is also lost.” It removes all Vitamin E, 50% of calcium, 70% phosphorus, iron, magnesium and B vitamins.


Added Potassium Bromate

After removing all the layers, and nutrients, flour is bleached, preserved, and aged with chlorine dioxide. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to make it look and feel more appealing to the consumer. An anti-salting agent called sorbitan mono-saturate is added in the final stage.  Potassium bromate is also added to white flour.  It is very powerful oxidizer that damages cells. Bromate is considered a category 2B carcinogen (= possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).  Potassium bromate has been banned in most of developed countries in 1994 including all countries in European Union (chlorine, bromates, and peroxides in food is banned in the EU), UK, and Canada.


White flour is a natural insecticide

Did you know that if an insect gets into the bag of white flour and starts eating it, that insect will die from consuming it? White flour is a natural insecticide because it kills any insect that attempts to live off of it.


Contains L-cysteine

This non essential amino acid is added to most conventional baked goods  to speed industrial processing. L-cysteine is found in the majority of pizza doughs, cookies, pastas, pastries and fast food buns.


 White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan

It can be synthesized in a laboratory but cheaper production methods include duck feathers and human hair.  Besides human hair, other sources of L-cysteine include chicken feathers, cow horns and petroleum byproducts. Most of the L-cysteine comes from China where there’s a history of poor regulation. It is disgusting and scary.

White flour contains alloxan. It is what makes your bread look fresh and clean.  Studies show that alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. Alloxan’s harmful effects on the pancreas are so severe that the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical “a potent beta-cell toxin.” Unfortunately, knowing that alloxan is so toxic for your body, the FDA   still allows companies to use it when processing foods we ingest. Fortunately, studies have found that the effects of alloxan can be reversed with   vitamin E. According to Dr. Gary Null’s Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Speed up healing by eating these

Health Guide Genius
NATURAL REMEDIES Foods Can Be Medicinal And These Are The Best 20 Painkillers In Your Kitchen COMMENTS
We all know that some foods are healthy and good for both body and mind. This means more whole grains, no sugars and sodas and workouts every day.

Sadly lots of us eat more fast food daily. The markets are all full with semi-done foods with no nutrients. And we eat all the same every day, soy, corn, rice, wheat.

We have to eat healthy and medicinal foods more. So choose them smart.



The Danish study said muscle pains and swelling are removed with ginger, by even 63%. The gingerols are responsible for this by blocking pain hormones. Get dry ginger, 1 tsp daily.


The experts of UCLA said chewing a clove will remove gum pain and tooth pain in hours. Due to the eugenol you get anesthetic effects. Add ¼ tsp cloves in a meal for regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol.


Take a tbsp. ACV in 8 oz water before meals and the heartburn will be gone after a day. The expert for gastro medicine, MD Joseph Brasco from Colon and Digestive Diseases Center, Huntsville, AL, said the malic acid in ACV and tartaric acid too are great for digesting and breakdown of fats and proteins. So after the food passes the esophagus, you will feel good.


Get 2 drops warm garlic oil and place it in the ear. Do this for 5 days and experts from New Mexico University said this is much better than meds. The items that are active are selenium and sulfur which remove bacteria and pain. For the oil making, simmer a bit 2-3 cloves and ½ tbsp. olive oil and after 2 min , refrigerate it for 14 days


The gout, arthritis and headaches are common. For curing them, have a bowl of cherries daily. With their anthocyanins they remove pain and inflammation 10 times more than aspirin and ibuprofen. The PhD prof. of food science, Michigan University, Nair Muraleedharan said these items lock and shut enzymes for triggering


Science said this spice is 3 times better compared to ibuprofen , naproxen and aspirin together. Experts of Cornell said this removes chronic pain 50% in fibromyalgia cases. The active item curcuma stops pain enzymes and hormones. Get ¼ tsp turmeric daily and add meat, rice, poultry, veggies…


Endometriosis is when the uterus lining grows outwards and causes pain. For these pains, and period pains, get oats to remove 60% pain. MD prof. medicine of Colombia University, Green Peter said oats contain no gluten that makes inflammation


Soak the ingrown nails in salty warm water and remove infections in 4 days. Salt removes bacteria, germs and inflammation and removes swelling too. Mix 1 tsp salt in 1 cup water and warm it up, then soak the feet for 20 min.


California Stanford University experts claimed 1 cup pineapple juice removes bloating after 73 hours. This fruit has good enzymes for protein working in the gut


If untreated, knots can last for months. Naturopath ND Mark Stengler, author of ‘The Natural physician’s healing therapies’, said you can relax muscles by warm water and 10 drops mint oil. Also this reduced 25% cramps better than a painkiller.


Results of Ohio State University said a cup of grapes daily soothes blood vessels and improves blood flow in tissues with damage. This flow is vital for healing damage in back since the vertebrae of the back depends on these vessels for oxygen and nutrients.


These pains are common and annoying too. Potassium defcit is the cause. This may happen due to diuretics and workouts. Take 10 oz tomato juice daily to cure this.


A study claimed 3 tbsp flax daily will ease breast pains after 12 weeks. Flax has phytoestrogens that block estrogen spikes which cause the breast pain. Sprinkle this in yoghurt, veggie dips, oatmeal and smoothie


Dubai Medical Center, United Arab Emirates experts said honey cures cold soresby consuming 4 times every day and speeds healing for 43% than creams. The honey has enzymes for removal of viruses, inflammation and more.


New jersey Rutgers University experts said a cup of this fruit daily can lower UTIs risk for 60%. It has tannins, items for bacteria removal and blocking infections


Sinusitis causes face pain and congestion. This food item improves blood flow so the sinuses drain easier and better. Get 1 tsp 2 times per day


8 oz glasses water daily is the best. Experts said water dilutes and flushes pain causes. Also blocks cartilages in bone ends, in joint liquids for lubrication and spine soft discs too, said PhD Susan M. Kleiner, author of The Good mood diet. Tissues glide better if you are hydrated.

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Health Guide Genius

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Turkey Tail Mushroom

Emerging evidence shows that this multi-colored fungus, which grows widely in forests around the world, can help to protect cancer patients. It has shown to work in two ways: 1) by directly preventing cancer formation and growth, and 2) by boosting the immune systems that have been damaged as a result of cancer treatment.
Back in 1976, a Japanese company had already patented certain extracts of Coriolus versicolor under the name PSK and later PSP, which have since become recognized anti-cancer drugs in Japan.
Multiple studies and clinical trials have confirmed that PSP blocks cancer cell growth along with reducing treatment-related side effects such as fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and pain. PSP can also restore weakened immune systems in cancer patients.
In a 2012 clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), turkey tail mushroom extract was seen to restore the impaired immune systems of breast cancer patients after they had finished radiation therapy.
Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a clinical trial allowing patients with advanced prostate cancer to take turkey tail extract along with conventional chemotherapy to assess the benefits of this combination.
Similarly, another clinical trial will test the effects of taking the extract along with a vaccine treatment in women with breast cancer.

Trametes Versicolor Extract and Lung Cancer: A Review

Trametes Versicolor Extract and Lung CancerAs stated already, an extract or extracts of Coriolus versicolor (aka Trametes versicolor) have been patented in Japan under the name Polysaccharide K, also known as PSK or Krestin. PSK is widely used in Japan as a complementary immunotherapy for treating many cancers, including lung cancer.
A systematic review of PSK’s safety and efficacy in lung cancer treatment was carried out in 2015, in which 28 studies were included for review and analysis.
Fifteen of 17 studies confirmed that PSK had anti-cancer effects by directly inhibiting tumors leading to less cancer growth and anti-metastatic effects, as well as via immunomodulation and boosting immune system activity. Metastasis is the ability of cancer cells to leave the area of the body they originally grew in and move to another area, starting a new tumor or multiple new tumors.
This review showed that both median survival and survival after 1, 2, and 5 years were noticeably better after PSK treatment. Immune parameters, blood function, body weight, and tumor-related symptoms such as fatigue and anorexia were all improved in lung cancer patients treated with PSK.
In summary, the authors concluded that PSK can stop the growth of lung cancers, improve immune function, reduce tumor-associated symptoms, and extend survival in lung cancer patients undergoing standard radiation and chemotherapy. They strongly advocate setting up larger randomized controlled trials to better understand the ability of PSK to treat lung cancer patients.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms and Immunomodulation in Breast Cancer

Turkey Tail Mushrooms and Immunomodulation in Breast CancerRadiotherapy and chemotherapy usually impair the immune system in cancer patients. Researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Bastyr University Research Institute wondered whether Coriolus versicolor extract could be used to restore the immune system and improve the health of women with breast cancer after they had undergone radiation therapy.
The study they published in 2012 shows that turkey tail mushroom extract can successfully complement conventional radiotherapy by increasing the activity of natural killer cells and “cytotoxic T-cells” – which likely attack and kill off any remaining cancerous cells.
Natural killer (NK) cells are specialized immune cells that can recognize and bind to certain tumor cells and virus-infected cells and kill them. Similarly, cytotoxic T-cells are a type of white blood cell that kills cancer cells, cells that are infected (especially with viruses), or cells that are damaged in other ways.
In this study, nine women with breast cancer were given either 3, 6, or 9 grams of turkey tail mushroom extract over a period of 4 weeks and their immune data was measured before and after radiation therapy.
This extract was reasonably well tolerated by these women. Their immune data showed that both their lymphocyte counts and functional activity of natural killer cells increased at daily doses of 6 and 9 grams. Further, the higher the dose, the greater the number of cytotoxic T-cells patrolling in their blood looking for cancer cells to kill.
This study showed that Coriolus versicolor extract is safe to give to women with breast cancer and that it can restore their impaired immune system after standard radiotherapy.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Extracts in Other Cancer Models

There are many examples of the effectiveness of Trametes versicolor extract in various models of cancer:
  • A 2015 laboratory study showed that an extract of protein-bound polysaccharides isolated from turkey tail mushrooms significantly slowed the growth of breast cancer cells. Simultaneously, this extract also increased the number of blood lymphocytes – possibly by producing more of a protein known as interleukin-1-beta, known to stimulate lymphocytes.
  • A 2Trametes versicolor014 study showed that Trametes versicolor extract reduced tumor weight by 36% and decreased lung metastasis by 70.8% in a mouse model of metastatic breast cancer. This extract was seen to stimulate the immune response and also protect against breast cancer-induced bone destruction after metastasis.
  • An extract of Trametes versicolor known as polysaccharide-B markedly slowed the growth of human esophageal carcinoma cells by reducing their survival time and increasing their rate of apoptosis (programmed cell suicide).
  • A study from the Queensland University of Technology showed that PSP targets prostate cancer stem cells and prevents the formation of prostate tumors in a mouse model of prostate cancer. In the words of the lead researcher, “In the past, other inhibitors have been shown to be up to 70 percent effective, but we’re seeing 100 percent of this tumor prevented from developing with PSP. Importantly, we did not see any side effects from the treatment.” PSP’s much greater effectiveness may be due to the fact that while conventional therapies target only cancer cells, PSP also destroys cancer stem cells which initiate cancer and cause its progression. In other words, PSP treatment may be able to completely prevent prostate tumor formation.
In summary, various extracts of turkey tail mushrooms prevent the formation and growth of many different types of cancers. Additionally, they reduce treatment-related side effects and restore weakened immune systems in cancer patients who have been subjected to harmful chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) is one of the key ingredient

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Alkaline Health Coach With Christine LLC

Hi, my name is Christine and I live in Owasso Oklahoma.  I recently went through a health transformation over the past 2 years. I was sick from severe IBS, High blood pressure, gout, arthritis, and anxiety. Through diet change and gaining knowledge in the "alternative health" industry, I got off all medications and began to heal from the inside out. I have come a long way, and believe whole heartedly in these sayings that I live by; Never give up, pick up where you left off, never beat yourself up, baby step if you have to, and love yourself to health. I am certified in, The Science Of Plant Based Nutrition, Master Gardening, and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. 

If you are struggling with life choices and trying to get back on track with health. If you've tried to get healthy but suffer from many types of illnesses or autoimmune disorders. If you've been diagnosed with cancer and are going through chemo and would like to learn how to keep your immune system up. If you've tried everything and nothing seems to work. If you know what to do, but need some extra guidance. If any of these things pertain to you. 

Call Christine McDonald Personal Health and Wellness Coach. I am here to help make a difference in your life and the others that surround you. Alkaline Health Coach With Christine LLC 918-284-2978
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." ~ Thomas Edison
“If acids win - you lose!” ~ Robert Morse, ND
"Permanent results only come from permanent changes in lifestyle and diet style.  You don't get permanently well unless you permanently change the way you live." ~ Joel Fuhrman, MD
"Aging is not simply decay, it's accumulation of choices and consequences." ~ John Leonard
"Nothing tastes as good as feeling well." ~ Tracy McCord 
“The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” ~ Anne Wigmore

Click on my page to get free recipes, advice, and stay updated on the truth of health~

If you would like to sign up for a consultation, fill out this form:

Friday, February 10, 2017



pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body running on a scale from 0 - 14 with 7 being neutral. Our bodies are alkaline by design at 7.364 - 7.4. We are programmed to maintain this range no matter what, with even the slightest dip or rise in pH having dangerous consequences. When body fluids become too acidic, we enter a state of acidosis in which illness and disease can manifest.

What causes an imbalance in pH? A diet high in acidic foods like meat, dairy, un-soaked nuts, seeds and grains, alcohol and processed foods. Stress and environmental toxins can also cause your body to become more acidic.

Lack of hydration is a major cause of acidosis. Our body is made up of up to 90% water. Most people die being around 50% water. That’s why it’s important to be hydrated so your body can function properly.

Juicing in particular is very restorative and is an incredible foundation for taking care of your body. You're flooded with concentrated living water which is clean, balanced, STRUCTURED, and is neither too alkaline nor too acidic.

We are made of blood and our blood is only as healthy as what we’re eating, drinking and thinking. When you drink juices your haemoglobin and blood volume starts increasing and red count balances out. Raw living fruits and vegetables are blood cleansing and building foods and when you consume them in a concentrated form, via juicing, you keep the channels of elimination clear and accelerate the healing and rejuvenation process. The body can then build the foundation of embryonic cells (stem cells) to make new blood and build new organs.

When your blood is optimally pH balanced, it carries oxygen more efficiently. Oxygen contributes to a strong metabolism, gives you energy, and keeps you healthy. Blood cells tend to clump together in a more acidic environment. Healthy red blood cells are spaced apart from each other. Consequently, the blood can move freely throughout the body and get into even the smallest capillaries. As a result, you feel like your whole body is in harmony.

Once you understand that an over-acidic body leads to dis-ease you can determine how to reverse the conditions, by not taking medicine, but by empowering yourself with education and gaining back control of your health and your life.

We are electrical beings. When we eat food we absorb light for its electrical potential. Raw living foods, particularly juices, help maintain the alkaline design of the body. When you begin nourishing your cells with alkaline foods your eyes start to sparkle, your skin becomes supple, and you’re going to live a longer and higher quality life.

“The human cell is only as healthy as the water it’s bathed in, and that bath is a bath of alkalinity, and when that fluid is compromised by an over-acidic diet and lifestyle, cells begin to break down prematurely. This is what causes ageing”.
- Dr. Robert Young

When you begin juicing you’re going to begin the process of reversing ageing because you’re putting back the alkalising elements that help maintain the alkaline design of the body that helps to main integrity of the cell which makes up all your tissues and organs.


Begin incorporating juices in to your life. If you’ve never juiced before start by having them 3 times per week and build your way up to having them every day, preferably your first meal of the day. Juice raw fruits and vegetables like apples, oranges, broccoli, celery, cucumber, cabbage, spinach, carrots, beetroot, and pineapples. Leafy greens are amazing as they contain chlorophyll which is structurally similar to our own blood and alkalises the blood.

The consistent act of drinking juices provide your body with alkaline minerals and raise the electrolytes which are essential to maintaining the alkaline design of the body. This keeps you looking and feeling young, energised, vibrant and glowing from the inside out. Picture below by Jonny Juicer, information learned by Dr. Young, Olivia Budgen and other resources.