Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Many of us consume nuts for their healthy fats and their good source of protein. They make a great quick snack that can easily be taken with you, making it an ideal snack. But many of us do not know how to properly prepare nuts so that we can better digest them. Is it necessary to soak nuts? The answer to that question is absolutely! 
Nuts have phytic acid. Phytic acid is also found in grains and legumes. Just as with grains and legumes, soaking nuts is essential for proper digestions. When eating nuts that haven’t been soaked, the phytic acid binds to minerals in the gastrointestinal tract and can not be absorbed in the intestine and to many bound minerals can lead to mineral deficiencies. By soaking, you are breaking down the phytic acid so it can be absorbed properly.
Nuts also have high amounts of enzymes inhibitors. This is another reason why un soaked nuts are hard to digest. Soaking nuts neutralizes the enzymes allowing for proper digestion.

How to Soak Nuts and Seeds (or – How to Make Crispy Nuts)

1.  Measure 4-cup amounts of whatever nuts or seeds that you want to soak, depending upon how much dehydrating space you have.  With the 9-tray dehydrator, I can dry about 25 cups of nuts/seeds at a time.

2.  Completely cover the nuts/seeds with purified water.  

3.  Add 2 tsp quality salt for each 4 cups of nuts/seeds.  I recommend Real Salt.  
The salt enhances the soaking procedure and gives your nuts great flavor. It is optional, but Real Salt adds extra minerals. This is optional, you do not need to add any salt if you choose not to do so. 

4.  Soak for 7-12 hours.  Overnight is perfect.

5.  Spread out in a single layer on dehydrator trays or cookie sheets (for oven drying).  You can actually pile up sunflower, pumpkin, or sesame seeds somewhat since they dry much faster than nuts.

6.  Dry at a low temperature.  Use the lowest temperature of your oven.  In a dehydrator I opt for about 105 degrees.

7.  Dry until the nuts/seeds are (around 10 to 20 hours) crispy, 

8.  Enjoy!

9.  Store remaining nuts or seeds.