Sunday, November 15, 2015

Alkaline Banana Pumpkin Bread

Wow, what a delicious and amazing healthy bread. Who needs sugar? Not me, and not you!! Did you know that just 1 tsp. of sugar suppresses your immune system for 1 hour? Well, it's true. Here are a few reasons I limit sugar in my life, and in my baking.

Reasons to Limit Sugar Intake:
  • It leads to insulin resistance.
  • It promotes inflammation in the body.
  • It can lead to weight gain when ingested.
  • It contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In fact, our livers process fructose very similarly to the way they process ethanol. Dr. Robert Lustig calls fructose “alcohol without the buzz.”
  • It appears to act like fertilizer for cancer cells.
  • High fructose diets decrease HDL levels, while reducing the diameter and increasing the density of LDL particles.
  • Glucose and especially fructose can bond to – glycate – proteins and lipids without proper enzymatic control. Keeping that in mind, the many benefits of Raw Organic and Local honey are truly amazing!

Benefits of Raw Organic Local Honey:

  • Organic, raw honey can provide an energy boost. Its carbohydrates supply energy and strength and it can boost your endurance and reduce muscle fatigue.
  • Honey is a great aid in relieving morning sickness.
  • Honey is good for sore throats, laryngitis, and coughs.
  • Honey and cinnamon can help in many areas including relief from bladder infections, arthritis, upset stomach and bad breath. It’s even supposed to be able to slow down hair loss.
  • Raw honey can be used as a medication for issues related to male impotence and female infertility. 
  • A salve made of honey, for diabetic ulcers, has been proven effective when other topical ointments are not well tolerated. It can be applied to eczema, canker sores or bleeding gums.
  • Honey and apple cider vinegar can be used for many ailments like stomach aches, constipation and even migraines.
  • Honey and lemon goes to work in the body shifting the extra fat stores, thus making it usable energy for regular body functions. Honey is cholesterol-free and can reportedly help keep cholesterol levels in check.
  • Raw honey has a viscous texture due to its low water content. It is a poor environment for bad bacteria to grow and is a good natural preservative.

  • And now for the recipe!!

    All Organic Ingredients:

    • 2 tbsps. Coconut oil
    • 1 cup Coconut Flour (Or Raw Organic Imported Almond Flour)
    • 1/2 Can Organic un-sweetened pumpkin or 1 Package Organic Pumpkin Oatmeal
    • 1/2 Cup Raw Organic Local Honey (Or Maple Syrup, Or Agave I prefer Raw Honey)
    • 3 to 4 bananas mashed
    • 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
    • 1 cap full of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
    • 1 cap full of non-dairy milk (Flax, Almond, Hemp, Coconut, or Cashew)
    • 1 cap full of Vanilla Extract
    • 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
    • 1/2 tsp. Himalayan Sea Salt or REAL SALT


    Pre-Heat Oven to 350 degrees.

    In a Bowl, mash up bananas with a fork until fully mashed. Add the Pumpkin, vanilla, cinnamon, sea salt, baking soda, honey, flour, coconut oil, vinegar and non-dairy milk. Stirring with the fork until completely mixed. Spray a bread pan with coconut cooking spray, or line with parchment paper. Cook for 60 mins. Let cool, and serve with drizzled honey, or eat as is!! Just wait, you will fall in love!


    13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Rambutan

    I just tried a Rambutan for the first time today. They are sweet, soft and have a honey-like taste. I ate 3 in a row. They are really yummy!!! After I threw away the seeds, I realized you can actually eat them, and they have many benefits.


    The pericarp or even the fruit walls, loaded with tannin and saponin are utilized in Java for a number of medical reasons. A mixture of it is sold by standard Malay medicine sellers. The Malays utilize a decoction of the roots to deal with fever. The bark and also the fruits are meant to have astringent qualities. The bark, converted into a decoction, is utilized to deal with tongue illnesses. Additionally it is given right after childbirth to new mothers. Rambutan fruit is used in assisting with ridding intestinal worms. It’s also utilized in reducing diarrhea. The leaves are utilized as poultices to alleviate headaches.

    Rambutan is a tropical fruit whose scientific term is Nephelium Laapaceum. Rambutan is believed to have originated in Indonesia and is now widely found in Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Ecuador, Australia and America. In India, Rambutan fruit is available mostly in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.  The name rambutan comes from an Indonesian name “rambut” which means hair. Rambutan tree belongs to a group of tropical trees that bear fruits like the lychee, or mamoncillo.

    Rambutan is a healthy food and is a great substitute for processed snack foods. The health benefits of rambutan are not just limited to the fruit but are derived from other elements as well, like  the rind, the bark, and the leaves. Here is a list of the benefits of rambutan.

    1. Decreases unwanted fat

    Please take a handful of rambutan seeds! They can be consumed raw, crushed or even combined in shakes. They’re extremely effective in lessening the body fat.

    2. Boosts Energy:

    The carbohydrates and protein content of rambutan help to increase the energy and prevent bloating. Rambutan is also rich in water, which helps to regain the lost energy and quenches thirst.

    3. Absorption Of Micro-Nutrients:

    Vitamin C in rambutan helps in the absorption of minerals, iron and copper. It also protects the body from getting damaged from free radicals.

    4. Eliminates Free Radicals:

    One of the main compounds of rambutan is Gallic acid. This compound behaves like a free radical scavenger that protects our body from oxidative damage and is particularly helpful to fight cancer.

    5. Generation Of White And Red Blood Cells:

    This fruit contains moderate amounts of copper which is necessary for the creation of white and red blood cells. It also contains manganese that our body needs to produce and activate enzymes.

    6. Removes Waste From Kidneys:

    The phosphorus in rambutan helps remove the waste in the kidneys and is essential for the development, repair, and maintenance of the tissues and body cells. Rambutan also contains significant amounts of calcium which works together with phosphorus to fortify the teeth and strengthen the bones.

    7. Source Of Iron:

    Rambutans are excellent sources of iron that helps to correct the amount of oxygen in the body and controls dizziness and fatigue due to anemia, an illness caused by iron deficiency.

    8. High Fiber Content:

    Rambutan has good fiber content and is low in calories. The fruit keeps us full for a long time due to its high fiber and water content and controls irregular hunger pangs. This also aids in weight reduction.

    9. Treating Common Illnesses:

    Rambutan is also good for treating common illnesses like headache, thrush and dysentery. For a headache, the leaves are used as a poultice on the temples. This calms the nerves and reduces the headache. A decoction of the bark is applied on the tongue to treat thrush. A decoction of the roots is used to lower fever.

    10. Antiseptic Properties:

    The other health benefit of rambutan is in its antiseptic qualities. It helps in fighting the various infections that invade our body.

    11. Kills Parasites:

    Besides nutritional benefits, rambutan also offers therapeutic functions. Consuming the fruit can help in killing intestinal parasites and relieving the symptoms of diarrhea and fever.

    Rambutan: Skin Care

    12. Hydrates Skin:

    Rambutan makes your skin soft and supple. Its high water content hydrates your skin, thus leaving it soft, smooth and supple. Due to its ability to scavenge free radicals, rambutan protects your body from oxidative damages. The powerful antioxidants present in rambutan battle cancer in an effective manner.

    Rambutan: Hair Care

    13. Basic Hair Care:

    Rambutan plays a significant part in improving the health of your hair. Rambutan leaf paste nourishes your hair from deep inside. Take some rambutan leaves and mash them until the paste becomes smooth. Add some water and squeeze the extract. Apply the mixture onto your hair and scalp. Apply regularly for best results.

    Rambutan: Tips For Usage

    There are countless ways to enjoy this wonderful fruit. Here are some interesting ideas to enjoy rambutan:
    1. Rambutan can be an amazing substitute for lychees.
    2. It can also be incorporated in different fruit salads.
    3. You can also prepare jam and jellies from rambutans.
    4. This fragile fruit can be combined with yogurt, chutney, soups, smoothies, deserts and salsa.

    How To Prepare And Use Rambutan?

    Skin Care:

    Rambutan seeds can be eaten raw or can be mashed and applied on the skin to have an even skin tone and to make the skin healthier and softer.

    Hair Care:

    Take a few rambutan leaves and make a paste using some water. Filter the leaves extract using a clean cloth. Apply this extract to a damp scalp every day. This promotes hair growth and makes the hair roots strong.

    To Treat Diabetes:

    Wash the seeds, mash up about 5 of them, stir into water or a smoothie. Do it once a day.