Thursday, June 29, 2017

Nature and Health Magazine

In this issue (July 2017) learn the basics of Alkaline eating and how to make it a lifestyle.

Owner of the Facebook page Alkaline Meals For Health And Wellness, Christine McDonald, demonstrates day to day meals to help prevent and reverse sickness and disease. Every food on this lifestyle has been proven scientifically to heal and reverse many of the top 10 killers including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.

Saturday, June 10, 2017



For over 5000 years ginger has been revered as a natural medicine by China and India. The ginger plant was first discovered in South East Asia and was used in ancient cuisines.

Ginger is full of beneficial nutrients like magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper and Vitamin B6. It reduces inflammation and pain without the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. Ginger has warming properties which comfort and soothe aching joints. It contains important antioxidants which clear the joints of impurities and allow fresh blood to flow into the aching areas. It also improves flexibility of muscles.

Ginger is rich in volatile oils which stimulate the digestive system to work properly and with ease by regulating gut contractions. It also helps to soothe and settle the gut wall, thereby easing any pain and inflammation and removing excess gas from the digestive tract. It helps neutralise acids and stimulates secretion of digestive juices to improve digestion.

Ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols which help to strengthen the immune system and has powerful antioxidant properties. It helps break down the accumulation of toxins in your organs. It’s also known to cleanse the lymphatic system. By opening up these lymphatic channels and keeping things clean, ginger prevents the accumulation of the toxins that make you susceptible to infections, especially in the respiratory system.

Helping to thin the blood, ginger has similar effects to that of aspirin, but unlike aspirin, has a calming effect on your stomach. Ginger interferes with a long sequence of events necessary for blood clots to form. This helps to reduce the clumping action of platelets that clog and narrow arteries which set off heart attacks.


Digestive discomfort, nausea, colds, flu, motion sickness, vertigo, menstrual cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, migraines, sore throats, fatigue, constipation, food poisoning, asthma, coughs, shortness of breath, migraines, joints, muscle and nerve pain.


In ancient times, ginger was highly regarded as a spiritual cleanser and was consumed before and during holy days as a way to awaken and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Ginger relates to feelings of empowerment, addressing feelings of powerlessness, patterns of fears of victimisation, and creating an inner fire and strength to step into a leadership role in one's own life.

Ginger also increases brain levels of important neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine is considered the “motivation molecule” that helps you get focused and be productive, and serotonin helps you to feel peaceful, balanced and happy.


Try making a litre of ginger water or tea every day by adding freshly grated ginger in water and steep for 10-20 minutes. Add some raw honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice to enhance its flavour and add to its protective and healing properties.

Raw, fresh ginger is also excellent when juiced with apples and celery for an energising and immune-boosting drink. Using fresh ginger in any of your cooking will also provide healing benefits and should be added whenever possible.

You can pop a piece of raw ginger in your smoothie for a warming and spicy kick, and you can also use ginger essential oil to rub on any area of pain.